Postgres 16 Beginners Knowledge Quiz

Created by Paul Sammy

Postgres 16 Beginner Knowledge Checker Test 1.0

20 Questions chosen at Random to test your knowledge.

You have 3 minutes so think fast.

1 / 20

pgBackRest supports Rate Limiting?

2 / 20

Each Database Cluster in Postgres can share a TCP Port for connections with other Postgres Database Clusters?

3 / 20

Server setting parameters are case sensitive?

4 / 20

pg_dump will backup the entire cluster in one command?

5 / 20

Explain plans show which of below:

6 / 20

What command is used to initialise a new cluster?

7 / 20

Which of the below platforms are packages and installers available for?

8 / 20

We should VACUUM every table at least every 4 billion transactions?

9 / 20

What is another name for a row in Postgres?

10 / 20

What is the purpose of schema search_path

11 / 20

which environment variable can be used to specify a user for psql?

12 / 20

How can you kill a user session?

13 / 20

In postgres we do not need to collect table optimiser statistics as they are always upto date?

14 / 20

Which of below arguments are needed for psql connections?

15 / 20

What is the standard Page size in Postgres?

16 / 20

The query below will return a list of databases?

SELECT datname FROM pg_database;

17 / 20

pgAdmin can be used to run a database backup?

18 / 20

An update in Postgres is performed in place on the same data page?

19 / 20

What commands add rows to a newly created table and freezes them?

20 / 20

Which of the below best describes Postgres software model

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