Snowflake Knowledge check Quiz

Created by Paul Sammy

Snowflake Quiz basic

SNOWDBA Knowledge Checker Test 1.0

20 Questions chosen at Random to test your knowledge.


You have 3 minutes so think fast.

1 / 20

A warehouse using Auto suspend and Resume can be expensive in credit consumption and should be avoided to save costs?

2 / 20

What is the purpose of a Network Policy?

3 / 20

By default Snowflake blacklists all IP Addresses?

4 / 20

The Snowflake account URL to logon is composed of which of the below?

5 / 20

What are the 2 types of Stage in Snowflake?

6 / 20

Only a table can be created as transient?

7 / 20

We can have a maximum of 10 network policies 'active' at one time?

8 / 20

Which information below can we view about a query that has run in the past?

9 / 20

All data in Snowflake is always protected either at rest or in transit?

10 / 20

Database Replication can be enabled for any existing permanent or transient database?

11 / 20

Data Consumers would create an Outbound Share?

12 / 20

Snowpipe requires keypair authentication using JWT?

13 / 20

When a database is replicated to another account Snowflake encrypts its database files?

14 / 20

Which of the below are types of Stage in Snowflake?

15 / 20

Which of the below are examples of a call to a UDTF?

16 / 20

Which of the below is an example of a Solution Partners services?

17 / 20

A UDF can return a set of rows (UDFT), but a stored procedure can't?

18 / 20

Which of the below are types of Warehouse?

19 / 20

Network Policies can only be assigned at the Account level?

20 / 20

Which pipes are cloned with Zero Copy Cloning?

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